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Knee Decompression

Knee decompression is a therapeutic approach that involves gently separating the joint space from the bottom of the femur to the top of the tibia. This process creates a vacuum-like effect within the knee joint, facilitating the influx of healthy nutrients to the area.


  1. Gentle Separation: Knee decompression involves a careful and gentle separation of the joint space, avoiding excessive force on the knee.


  1. Improved Nutrient Circulation: The vacuum effect enhances nutrient circulation within the knee joint, promoting the delivery of essential substances for joint health.

  2. Tissue Stretching: By stretching tendons and soft tissues around the joint, knee decompression helps improve flexibility and reduce stiffness.

  3. Increased Blood Flow: The process increases blood flow to the knee, fostering a better supply of oxygen and nutrients, which is crucial for the body's natural healing processes.


  1. Natural Regeneration: Knee decompression aids in the natural regeneration of the joint space and cushioning within the knee, promoting overall joint health.

  2. Addressing Conditions: It is beneficial for conditions such as knee joint degeneration, arthritis, meniscus tears, and sprains/strains older than 6 weeks.

  3. Pain Reduction: Users can expect a reduction in pain as the procedure helps alleviate pressure on the joint and encourages healing.

  4. Increased Mobility: The stretching of tendons and soft tissues, coupled with enhanced blood flow, contributes to increased joint mobility.

  5. Improved Function: Knee decompression results in improved joint function, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease.

  6. Cartilage Repair: The procedure supports enhanced cartilage repair, contributing to the long-term health and resilience of the knee joint.

In summary, knee decompression is a non-invasive approach that offers a range of benefits, from reducing pain to promoting natural healing processes within the knee joint. It is particularly effective for addressing various knee-related conditions and enhancing overall joint health.

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