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Find Relief From Joint and Muscle Pain With Shockwave Therapy

Written By Gonstead Physical Medicine on November 16, 2023

shockwave therapy

Chronic or recurring joint pain, back pain, or shoulder pain can keep you from enjoying life. At Gonstead Physical Medicine, we have a team of experienced chiropractors and rehabilitation experts who specialize in chiropractic care, physical medicine, and regenerative medicine. We may suggest shockwave therapy to treat repetitive stress injuries and sports injuries that cause chronic joint and muscle pain. Make an appointment with our team to discuss shockwave therapy in Albuquerque or Rio Rancho, NM.

What Is Shockwave Therapy? 

Shockwave therapy is an advanced chiropractic care treatment that uses acoustic shockwaves to penetrate deep within the tissues, muscles, and bones. These shockwaves can break up calcified tissue, encourage collagen synthesis, promote growth factors, and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. We will apply ultrasound gel to the affected area of the body to help the transmission of shockwaves, and then use a small, handheld probe to deliver shockwaves to the affected area of the body. You might feel pressure and slight discomfort during the treatment, but shouldn’t experience any lasting side effects. We typically recommend undergoing treatment once a week for three to six weeks. You can resume your regular daily activities after treatment, but should avoid high impact exercise for at least 48 hours.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Relieve Pain? 

Shockwave therapy has a number of positive effects on the body. It repairs cell tissue by releasing free radicals that could cause inflammation and stimulating the body’s healing process. The high-energy soundwaves create a revascularization effect and encourage increased blood circulation to the affected areas. This also promotes healing and regeneration of soft tissues. Shockwave therapy also relaxes muscle contractions and spasms. When we apply shockwave therapy to trigger points, we can reduce pain by blocking communication from the nerves that send pain signals to the brain.

Who Should Consider Shockwave Therapy? 

Shockwave therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment method for anyone suffering from painful soft tissue, joint, or bone conditions. Even the most stubborn injuries to bones, tendons, muscles, and ligaments can be treated with shockwave therapy. We will suggest shockwave therapy as part of your chiropractic care plan if you are suffering from:

  • Tennis or golfer’s elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Shin splints
  • Bony heel spurs
  • ITBS
  • Runner’s knee
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain

Learn More About Shockwave Therapy in New Mexico

To find out if you’re a good candidate for shockwave therapy in Albuquerque or Rio Rancho, NM, visit us at Gonstead Physical Medicine. We will discuss your symptoms, perform diagnostic testing, and determine if we should include shockwave therapy as part of your chiropractic care plan. Call us today to schedule an appointment.